5 Ways Nature Can Help When You’re Struggling

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What is it about nature that makes us feel calmer? There are many benefits of spending time outdoors, and below we’re discussing 5 ways nature can help when you’re struggling.

Can you recall opening your door to feel warm sunshine hit your face or feeling the healing benefits of the first deep breath you take when you step outside? Even just the thought is enough to put a smile on your face. Being in nature can reduce anger, fear, stress, and anxiety — and can help you when you’re struggling. According to Science Daily, “you should spend 20 to 30 minutes sitting or walking in a place that provides you with a sense of nature,” to see a reduction in the stress hormone cortisol.

Not only does nature help us feel better emotionally, there’s evidence that it can help to lower high blood pressure, reduce muscle tension, and decrease the production of stress hormones.

Nature also makes us “feel more alive” as it gives us energy, increases happy hormones like oxytocin and dopamine, and helps us feel happier and less weighed down by everyday stressors. It also opens the door to creativity and helps us to be kind to others.

  • Energize The Body

Get up and move your body. Go outside for a walk, hike, jog, bike ride, rollerblade — or any form of exercise that you enjoy. It’s recommended that we move our bodies for at least 30 minutes each day. Getting some exercise outside in nature will help boost your energy level and take your mind off your troubles when you’re struggling.

  • Reset The Mind

Working in your yard or garden is a great way to reduce stress and get in touch with nature when you’re struggling. Whether you’re tending to bushes or flowers, or planting and harvesting vegetables, the benefits of being outside and working in your garden are plentiful. From simply admiring the landscaping and foliage around you, to providing fresh food for the table, this activity reaps many rewards. When you’re feeling frustrated, get outside and keep your hands busy as the sights and sounds of nature remind you that tomorrow is a new day.

  • Boost Creativity

Try collecting some rocks from your garden and painting them with some colour, draw a scene, or write some words of encouragement. Pick up some pinecones along a trail you have walked and cover them with peanut butter and seed. Then, hang them somewhere in your yard and watch the birds and squirrels enjoy. These small connections to nature can boost creativity and help when you’re struggling.

  • Get Some Vitamin D & Relax

Go to your favourite outdoor spot, even if it’s in your own backyard. Pack a picnic for you and your family to enjoy. Spend some relaxing time looking up at the sky and see who can spot the most shapes in the clouds.

  • Give Back To Your Community

Last, but certainly not least, giving back to your community in our final of the 5 ways nature can help when you’re struggling. Why not take some time to help your community by picking up garbage?

Inquire with your city to see if they will drop off collection bags to your home. Make sure to wear gloves and be mindful not to pick up anything sharp.

Giving back in this way may are known to increase mood, self-esteem, and overall well-being.

As summer nears, our days are getting longer. Let’s use this time to unplug from our busy, everyday lives and get outside. Cherish the outdoor time and you may notice that things begin to look up!

Woodlawn Memorial Park is always open for a walk and breath of fresh air. Visit us to clear your mind, or to say hello to a dear loved one that resides in our cemetery. If you have any questions about our services, please reach out to us here. 

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